Query Classes

Query classes serve as a wrapper around the query builder provided by CycleORM, allowing for the grouping of common queries together for later reuse and separation.

The ActiveQuery class extends CycleORM's Select class and is specifically designed to integrate with entities managed by ActiveRecord. It facilitates the creation of queries that can be easily maintained and reused throughout the application.

Standard Usage

Entities that extend the ActiveRecord class automatically benefit from the ActiveQuery capabilities through the query() method:

public static function query(): ActiveQuery
    return new ActiveQuery(static::class);

This method provides a straightforward way to begin a query operation tailored to the entity's context.

Defining Custom Query Classes

To encapsulate specific query logic, developers can create custom query classes that extend the ActiveQuery class.

For instance, the UserQuery class might define methods to handle common requirements such as filtering by active status or sorting by creation time:

class UserQuery extends ActiveQuery
    public function active(bool $state = true): UserQuery
        return $this->where(['active' => $state]);

    public function orderByCreatedAt(string $direction = 'ASC'): UserQuery
        return $this->orderBy(['created_at' => $direction]);

By overriding the query() method in a derived entity class to return an instance of a custom query class, developers can significantly simplify the data access layer. This approach not only enhances code readability but also improves the organization of business logic:



namespace Cycle\App\Entity;

use Cycle\ActiveRecord\ActiveRecord;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Column;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;
use Cycle\App\Query\UserQuery;

#[Entity(table: 'user')]
class User extends ActiveRecord
    // ...

     * @return UserQuery<static>
    public static function query(): UserQuery
        return new UserQuery(static::class);

Usage Example

Fetch all user records, which are not active and are ordered by created-at field in descending order:


use App\Entities\User;

$users = User::query()

Advantages of Using ActiveQuery

  • Organization: Groups common queries, enhancing code organization and separation.

  • Reusability: Promotes the reuse of query logic across different parts of the application.

  • Maintainability: Simplifies maintenance by localizing query logic within dedicated classes

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